Saturday, November 8, 2008

San Antonio

San Antonio
Originally uploaded by chaunceydavis818
OK so what makes this portrait work? I like it in color - but it's better in grayscale...the light works - but this really is nothing spectacular...

So...why do I like it?

Wind Farm at Sunset

This seems to be the most viewed shots that I have - For some reason, everyone looks at it, but no one says I am not sure if it's liked, or just looked at and moved on.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Learning to capture light

OK - about 4 years ago, I decided to finally get a "real" camera and start figuring this all out. Now, I have been around point and shoots all my life, ranging from Kodak 110's to Polorid Instamatics, and Disk Cameras, and finally getting digital cameras. SO I decided to get a Digital SLR - I bought a Digital Rebel.

That was all it took and I am hooked. Now I shoot with both the Rebel, and various manual focus lenses, and my 40D with various lenses including my first L series Glass...

Keep looking around and you will find a heck of a lot of information about a complete stranger than you ever wanted to know...